A Simple Golf Swing Lesson

Golf is a sport of masters. It is a sport that requires a lot of patience, a lot of skill, and a lot of technique. If you are just starting to play golf then it is very important that you build good habits. If you start golfing without knowing what you are doing you can develop bad habits that can be hard to break. Here is a simple golf swing lesson that can correct your swing, or get you started in the right direction.

First, before you get on the course, take some time at the driving range. The driving range can be a great place for you to work on your game with out any pressure. When you are at the driving range, here are some tips that you should use.

When you start make sure to take a couple of swings without the ball. Use different clubs and swing your arms back and forth. This will loosen up your arms, your back, and your shoulders. But you should also concentrate on your form when you are warming up. Make sure that you maintain a constant speed through out your practice tries. Consistency is a very important aspect in any golf swing lesson.

When you start to hit a golf ball make sure that you keep your swing consistent. Many people get over excited when they are actually hitting a ball. They will speed up their swing in order to hit it farther. Speeding up your swing will not help you hit the bar farther, hitting the bar correctly will.

So make sure that you keep your head down throughout your swing. One common mistake that beginning golfers make is that they lift their head when they hit the ball. Make sure to keep your head down all the way through your back swing, then you can look up and watch your ball sail away.

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