How many golf balls of each kind were bought?

Please help me set up the equations!!!! I have a lot of trouble with “let” statements and things like that

A store sells the Red Dot golf balls for 60 cents each, the Black Dot balls for 94 cents each and the Gold Dot ball for $1.10 each. A golf pro bought two dozen more Red Dot than Gold DOt balls and three times as many Black Dot as Red Dot balls. If the golf balls and one dollar’s worth of tees cost 140.50, how many gold balls of each kind were bought?


3 Responses to “How many golf balls of each kind were bought?”
  1. sabeen_dollz15 says:

    dunno. but try to start with the 1.10 ball, then, when u have, say, a fourth of the total left, half the # of g balls, then -24. i guess itl work

  2. Xavier says:

    Let red dot = x
    Let black dot = y
    Let gold dot = z

    z = x – 24
    y = 3x

    0.6x + 0.94y + 1.1z + 1= 140.5
    0.6x + 0.94(3x) + 1.1(x-24) = 140.5 – 1
    0.6x + 2.82x + 1.1x – 26.4 = 139.5
    4.52x = 139.5 + 26.4
    x = 165.9/4.52
    x = 36.703

    y = 36.703*3
    z = 36.703 – 24

    37 red dot, 110 black dot, 13 gold dot
    I think, please recheck!

  3. bubu says:

    Let r be number of red dot balls
    Let b be number of black dot balls
    Let g be total of gold dot balls
    Balls bought = r + b + g
    g+ 24 = r so g = r – 24
    b = 3*r
    So cost of things bought is
    0.6r + 0.94b + 1.1g + 1 (tees) = 140.5
    so 0.6r + 0.94*3*r + 1.1*(r-24)+1=140.5
    this gives r(0.6+0.94*3+1.1)-1.1*24+1=140.5
    4.52r – 25.4 = 140.5
    4.52r = 165.9
    It seems that these equations cannot be solved as whole numbers though (either the question is typed wrong – or it is just an example to show you understand how to set up equations?)

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