What color khakis are appropriate to wear to golf in?

I am in a golf class and i have to buy some khakis, but i have a problem, i cannot wear tan because i look horrible in tan khakis and i will get them too dirty. Can i wear black and navy blue, or grey or green colors?


10 Responses to “What color khakis are appropriate to wear to golf in?”
  1. Himal says:

    Grey color is good.

  2. Sam says:

    I work at a local golf course and during the winter we allow customers to wear jeans, nothing over the top like skinny or ripped jeans. Also any color khakis are fine, i have a pair of blue khaki shorts. As long as they are appropriate length and you don’t look like a slob they should allow you to play. 🙂 good luck

  3. x-15a2 says:

    Frankly, khaki is a color, not a style. In fact, the name of the color khaki coined in British India comes from the Hindustani language (itself a borrowed form of the Persian and Lurish word khak meaning dust), meaning “dusty, dust covered or earth colored.” It has been used by many armies around the world for uniforms, including camouflage. Most notably, khaki was used by the British Army in India beginning in 1848.

    Having said all that, “Docker” styled pants in any muted color are fine for golf. Black is popular, as is white, gray, etc. As your game improves, you may want to wear more flamboyant colors, but style should always follow performance.

  4. rlvjav says:

    Ruth, you’ll likely not appreciate my answer but I give it in the interest of golfers everywhere.
    If you are taking up golf just concentrate on learning to play the game, along with the learned courtesies inherent to the game.
    Forget about the ‘duds’ you’ll be wearing. I assure you, the group behind you on the golf course could not give a flip about your fashion sense if you are ‘taking all day’ to play because you spent all your preparation time on clothes versus golf skills.

  5. dmartin2214 says:

    The best and most popular color is tan……just about any shirt will go with this color.

  6. gorilla says:

    clear khakis are NOT appropriate. They cause slow play. Any other color is totally acceptable.

  7. Valquesador says:

    Navy blue sounds good. So does grey and green. Not black.

  8. Pearland jr.s vb grl :} says:

    As long as they’re good move able pants. I actually wear plaid shorts.

  9. green_lantern66 says:

    It doesn’t matter- black, navy blue, red, gray, pink- if it looks good on you, and it matches the rest of your outfit, who cares? Black is definitely the simplest to coordinate outfits and look good in, but to each their own.

    If you’re really worried, think of it this way. You could always look like this…

  10. Yoyo W says:

    it is not so important for what you are wearing i think.
    perhaps the technique is far more important and your golf balls.

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