Why does my golf glove get a hole on the top left index finger & start tearing from there 1st?

I’m an avid golfer who shoots from the tips and counts every stroke managing to stay in the 80’s. I’ve helped numerous golfers with tips and information but I want to know the reason for one I can’t answer. My golf glove tears a hole on the top left knuckle of my index finger before anywhere else. Why is this? Any real answers? I can only think that maybe my grips are too large when they are said to be regular.


5 Responses to “Why does my golf glove get a hole on the top left index finger & start tearing from there 1st?”
  1. Steve S says:

    It sound like your grip,and you might want to put a leather conditioner on that area, if you don’t air out your glove between shots,when your hands get sweaty it will dry out the leather, or you might want to try getting better gloves.

  2. x-15a2 says:

    Your gloves are fine, it’s your grip. Make sure that the club grip is layed in your hand correctly and that you’re not gripping too tightly. Also, make sure that you’re not “regripping” when you are going through your pre-shot routine.

  3. Mars says:

    “Grip it and rip it!” Try not wearing a glove and see how your fingers react to the grip of the club, your right hand. Your talking about the outside part of the glove right, on the outside of the knuckle? Try playing a round or go to the driving range and see (feel) wear it’s rubbing.

  4. Rip says:

    thats where the most pressure is and its turning in your hand

  5. Greene Jacket says:

    I have the same problem. It seems as though the overlapping grip causes your right ring finger to tourque off on your left index finger. I have given up on using a glove and now have a callous. Your hands will toughen up.

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