Golf Swing Tips – Five Tips to Make Your Swing a Perfect Swing For Duffers

Do you have a perfect golf swing? I sure don’t. Most folks reading this probably would say they don’t have a perfect swing either. That is why you are here reading this article, you know you have room for improvement. We are all in pursuit of the perfect golf swing.

How much different is your swing than the perfect swing. Do you know? It is important in this pursuit to be crystal clear about what it is we seek. Otherwise we might not recognize the perfect golf swing when we find it.

We will never achieve the perfect swing; we all know that. Knowing what the swing should look like helps us to get our swing as close as possible to the one we think of as perfect. Our game will improve in the process.

So let’s discuss the elements of the perfect swing.

The Perfect Swing

Perfect Swing Balance – The golf swing requires dynamic balance. That is balance in motion. Understanding this one fact will do more for your swing than a new driver ever could. Balance begins with the set up. Here are a few key points on the perfect set up:

Head behind the ball Shoulders tilted – front higher than back Shoulders aligned – parallel to the target line Hands placed about halfway between the outside of the front leg and your zipper Knees bent slightly Feet just outside the shoulders

The set up determines the success of the swing before it ever starts. Get this right and you are on your way to that elusive perfect swing.

Perfect Takeaway – The first motion in the golf swing sets it on its path. Begin the motion correctly and you will eliminate the need to make corrections during the swing. Think low and slow here. Move the clubhead back away from the ball along the target line using the larger muscles of the shoulders while keeping the clubface aimed at the ball until the wrist hinge. Keep the hands and shoulders moving together during the takeaway while both knees retain their flex with the front knee moving toward the ball. Get this right and you will automatically achieve the next component in the perfect swing.

Perfect Coil & Transition – The better you coil your body the more power your golf swing will have. The trick to a perfect coil is to rotate your torso behind the ball within the area of your hips. There should be no lateral movement, just turn. At the top, your front shoulder will have turned under your chin, the shaft is parallel to the ground, the front knee points toward the ball and the back knee has accepted the transfer of weight from the front side without losing its flex. After a brief pause at the top, transition into the downswing with a slight bump of the hips toward the front leg. Now you are into the downswing.

Perfect Downswing – As your hands drop the club straight down the torso begins to unwind bringing the arms and hands along for the ride. You want to keep the club on plane to make proper contact with the ball. Avoid the tendency to allow the front shoulder to move back and up too soon. The primary aspects of a perfect downswing are: the feet stay connected to the ground, the spine angle remains unchanged from address, the knees stay flexed and the head stays reasonably still.

Perfect Impact – Mission accomplished. The impact position is much like the set up position. The front shoulder, arm and hip are in a straight line with each other. The hands are in the same position they were during set up. The front wrist is flat and the back of the front hand points parallel to the target line. The front foot now supports most of your body weight with the head and torso still behind the ball. From here the body simply follows the momentum of the swing into a balanced finish position

When done as described above the golf swing becomes a beautiful thing to watch and an even more beautiful thing to experience. Knowing what your swing should look and feel like will help you to hone your swing into a perfect swing; at least as close to perfect as is humanly possible.

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