Golf Tips – How to Increase Driver Distance

Let’s face it. What do we all want? What do we all crave? It’s to put that little golf ball as far down the fairway as possible. If you were given a choice between increasing your distance off the tee by 30 yards, or decreasing your handicap by 4 points, which would you choose? You should choose to better your handicap, but would you? Of course not! You want to pound it past your playing partners off the box, plain and simple. Well…ok…if that is your answer, here are a couple tips to help you get those extra yards.


You have read to keep your feet about shoulder width apart when addressing the ball with your driver. That’s fine, but if you want the extra yards, you need to increase your swing arc. In order to do that, you need to make your stance big and wide. Now, don’t go overboard. If you do, you will limit your turn and lose distance along with some accuracy. A little beyond shoulder width will do.


Have someone help you out with this one. Most people have no idea how far back the ball actually is in their stance. The ball should be just inside your left heel. For some reason, a lot of people think the ball is properly placed inside the left heel, but it is actually 3-6 inches (or more) back. Don’t ask me why this is……it just is. Have a friend check out your ball placement. You will be surprised what they tell you. At this point, don’t fight it. It will be a little uncomfortable to begin with, but just do it. After a session on the range, you will get more comfortable.

I won’t try to fill your brain with too much at this point. When it comes to the golf swing, a small change can make a huge difference so let’s take this slow. Try these tips out for a couple weeks. If they help, great! If not, there are more to come. Oh one more thing. Golf is a game so…HAVE FUN!

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