Golf Slice – Golf Tips To Cure It

The two dreaded words that every amateur golfer fears, the
Hook and Slice.

The thing is low handicap and pro golfers use these
two shots to steer their way out of trouble.

The pro’s will hit a hook spin shot or Draw the ball to provide
a shot that can hold straight in a left to right wind and when
it hits the fairway it will roll for ages on the grass due to
the type of spin imparted on the ball.

The slice spin shot or Fade is used to hold a ball straight in
a right to left wind and this shot will land and check
quite quickly on the green.

For the high handicapper these shots are big mistakes.

In this article I will give you some tips to cure your slice.

The slice is a very common mistake that 90% of amateurs have
to live with. Every golfer has experienced this shot.

The slice is so common that every magazine will have an article
on the subject.

So what causes the slice?

It is caused by an out to in swing path and the club face is
open at impact with the ball.

The big mistake that most high handicap players make to try and
stop their slice is that they aim their body to the left of the
target hoping that the ball will land on target.

What they fail to realize is that they are lining themselves
up for an even bigger slice shot.

A Big mistake.

Before anyone can hit a perfectly straight shot you need to
line yourself up square to the target line. A handy way is to
lay a golf club on the ground aimed at the flag. Set yourself
up with your toes against the club and your shoulders and hips
in line with the target.

The next thing to do is lay a club on the ground behind the
ball as you are looking at it. It should also be lined up to the
flag and parallel with the club laid down at your toes.

As you start your golf swing downwards, aim to strike the
actual ball, but also try to keep the club traveling along
the line of the club laid on the ground. This is done to try and
keep the swing on a straight path.

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