Golf Tips – Top Ways To Cure Your Slice

Slicing a golf ball is a common problem faced by many amateur golfers. The problem with slicing a golf shot is that it usually results in a poor shot both in lack of distance and direction. It is important to solve this problem in order to lower your handicap and become a better golfer. Here are some tips to help you get rid of the slice and become a more consistent player.

Tip 1: Keep the right hand passive during the swing

If you are a right handed player then it is important to keep your right hand fairly inactive during the swing. Many new players try to use their strong arm which is usually the right hand to try to force the club through the hitting zone in an effort to hit the ball farther. The problem is that this usually results in casting the club in the downswing which results in an outside to inside club head path that produces a slice golf shot.

Tip 2: Pull the club with the left hand on the downswing

During the downswing it is a good idea to think of yourself pulling the club through the hitting zone. This will help to promote an inside to out club path that results in straighter shots.

Tip 3: Use the correct grip

Make sure the grip you are using squares the club face during the address position. Also be sure that the face of the club is not open or facing to the right of your target but is rather facing directly at the target.

Tip 4: Master the wedge game

Perhaps the best way to learn the game of golf is to learn it from the green back to the tee. If you have trouble hitting your shorter shots such as wedge shots straight then it is almost inevitable that your longer shots will suffer. Spend plenty of time hitting wedge shots from 120 yards and in.

Tip 5: Keep your head down

This is a cliche but it is still important that you do indeed keep your head steady and still during the downswing and let your head come up naturally with your right shoulder as you complete the swing.

Tip 6: Maintain balance

If you find yourself losing balance during or at the end of your swing then make it a point to develop a more controlled swing where you are balanced throughout the swing. Make sure that you end each swing with a balanced pose towards the target.

Tip 7: Slow down your backswing

Most new golfers have a backswing that appears rushed compared to the downswing. You want to maintain a consistent tempo between the backswing and the downswing. It is best to have a slower more deliberate backswing. Conserve your energy for the downswing where power and speed are generated to hit the ball far.

Tip 8: Check your alignment

Poor positioning of your body and feet towards the target can cause a slice to happen. Make sure that your feet are aligned and pointing directly at the target. If you find your feet are pointing to the left of the target then this can cause a slice to occur.

Tip 9: Practice consistently

Sometimes it is necessary to make a commitment to learning the game in order to get better and cure the slice. If you practice often you will find that some of your shots do go straight and eventually you will figure out how to hit straighter shots more often. There are many factors that can cause a slice so getting the pieces of the puzzle together can take time and regular practice. Follow some of these tips to help you hit straighter shots and lower your golf handicap.

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