Tips To Cure Your Golf Slice

The slice is probably the most dreaded of all poor golf swinging techniques primarily because of the difficulty it takes to cure it. This is found among new golfers and can sometimes be attributed to over zealousness.

This swing causes the ball to veer sharply towards the right for right handed player, and to the left for left handed players.

Recent studies suggest that the common causes of slices are:

The upper torso opens prematurely on the downswing – this is when the right shoulder goes out and above the downswing, causing the club to hit the ball on an out-to-in swing path.

The Fix: Place your right foot slightly behind you – make sure your heel is down when you put your right foot back, when you take your practice swings. This is so you get comfortable with the posture and reduce the incidence of swinging a slice. Make sure you swing your arms properly to feel the clubs head upon impact

Grasp of the golf club is too tight – this is dangerous, as well as incorrect, because it may cause possible wrist injury once you swing the golf club and your hold is too tight. This is also causes an open clubface upon impact. This is also happens when the player attempts to clear his hips too fast.

The Fix: Keep your hands low and relax your grip – the grip should be a comfortable grip.

These are only some of the more common causes and basic cures for ‘slicing’ swings. If you need more information about how to improve your overall game, there are lots of instructional videos available and loads of information online that you can make use of.

Who knows, once you put in all the effort you might end up in the PGA tour and go head to head with Tiger Woods! Who knows!

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